Sunday, January 26, 2020
Methods for Detecting Exoplanets
Methods for Detecting Exoplanets A discussion and comparison of the radial velocity method and the transit photometry method of detecting exoplanets. An exoplanet is a planet that is outside of our solar system orbiting another star, and so far (at 15/01/2017) 3560 exoplanets have been detected [1]. Currently, with modern technology, the two main ways of detecting an exoplanet is using either the radial velocity method or the transit photometry method, both of which having their advantages and disadvantages. Radial velocity works by the exoplanet having a gravitational effect on the star it is orbiting causing the star to move slightly, leading to its detected light spectra being periodically shifted between red-shift and blue-shift as the planet orbits it. The minimum mass can then be calculated from the stars light spectra. Transit photometry can be used to detect exoplanets by observing a periodic reduction in the intensity of light detected from a star caused by the planet going directly in front of it between the star and the earth. The size of the planet can be worked out by measuring the decrease in light and sometimes the composition of the planet can be deduced The radial velocity method, also known as the Doppler spectroscopy method, to detect exoplanets was the first proper method that worked effectively. Orbiting planets cause a star to move slightly due to their gravitational pull, since the planet has mass. This slight movement of the star being orbited affects the light spectrum from that star which is received by observers on Earth. Regular periodic shifts in the stars expected spectrum, which would appear as a wobble, indicates the presence of an orbiting planet [2]. If the exoplanet caused the star to move towards Earth then its light spectrum would be blue shifted, if the star moved away from Earth the spectrum would be red shifted. The mass of the orbiting planet can then be determined, as Kelpers third law of planetary motion can be used to determine the orbital radius of the planet from the mass of the star, calculated using a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, and the orbital period of the planet determined from the stars light spectrum. Then Newtons law of gravitation and the orbital law can be used to derive the equation to calculate the velocity of the orbiting planet. With the velocity of the planet, the equation can be used to work out the mass of the detected planet [3]. Using radial velocity is the most common method used to date to detect exoplanets, it has the advantage of not necessarily a very long time comparative to the other methods and is thus useful in large scale surveys to find multiple exoplanets. Unfortunately, it does not give much specific information about the planet itself and hence must be combined with other techniques to obtain information like the planets chemical composition, density, and volume. Other methods could thus have more potential for the future for more in depth analysis of the detected planet [4]. One major complication with radial velocity is that it is difficult tell mass of a detected planet easily, only the minimum mass based on how much star appears to move can be calculated, as it depends on the angle of the orbital plane of the planet. If the angle, ÃŽÂ ¸, is the angle made by the plane perpendicular to the orbit of the planet from the plane of the sight from Earth, then the component in line with Earth is sin(ÃŽÂ ¸). The detected mass, M, is thus the product of the actual mass of the planet and sin(ÃŽÂ ¸).ÂÂ The larger ÃŽÂ ¸, where 0 [5]. This gives arise to the problem that on a rare occasion a low mass star can be detected in a binary star system and mistaken for a planet due to a mass being calculated much smaller than its actual mass and thus appears more similar to that of a planet because of the plane of its orbit with respect to earth. This method mainly detects planets that are very close to the star, massive, and have very short orbital periods so cause the largest wobbles that dont take very long to detect. Planets like this are often referred to as hot Jupiters, due to them being of similar size, mass, and composition to that of the planet Jupiter in our solar system but they are much closer to the star they are orbiting, hence being hotter [6]. A downside of this is that one of the main purposes of detecting exoplanets is to find planets capable of supporting life, and hot Jupiters are very unlikely to do this. Another main method of detecting exoplanets is called transit photometry. A planet may be detected by taking measurements of the dimming of light emitted by the star it orbits. When the planet passes directly in front of the star, as seen from Earth, it blocks out a fraction of the light that we receive. If this dimming occurs at regular intervals, then it may be deduced that this planet is in orbit and passing in front of the star once every orbital period [7]. The amount of dimming that occurs reflects the ratio of size between the star and planet; since the size of such a star may be determined from its spectrum we may then estimate the planets size. For planets orbiting the same sized star with the same luminosity and same light emission spectra, planets orbiting it will decrease the amount of light received on earth by different amounts depending on the size of the planets [8]. A planet with a radius three times larger than another orbiting planet will lead to a drop in the amount of light received nine times that of the other planet. Hence, the decrease in light received from the star due to a planets transit is proportional to the square of the planets radius and so proportional to the planets cross-sectional area. When this method is combined with radial velocity analysis which gives an estimated mass, the density may be calculated, giving a much clearer picture of the composition of the planet. The planets atmospheric conditions may also be uncovered by analysing the depth of the transit at different wavelengths of light. Light emitted by the star will be absorbed by gases in the planets atmosphere to different degrees at different wavelengths [9]. Therefore, by studying its spectra elements in the atmosphere may be determined. For such analysis to be carried out, searches must continuously cover large portions of the sky and its cluttered light sources over long periods of time. Transit photometry only works, however, when a planet passes directly between its star and the Earth, which is uncommon. For a star one astronomical unit (approximately about 150 million kilometres) away from its star, and the star being the same as the sun earth orbits, the probability of an orbiting planet producing a detectible transit is 0.47%, given that the planet has a random orbital alignment [10]. A planets orbital period could be a very long time, months, or years, but its transit directly in front of the star between it and earth could only be a couple of hours.ÂÂ Despite this, in very large scale exoplanet finding surveys spanning over extended periods of time and covering potentially thousands of stars, the transit photometry method has been found to be more effective than the radial velocity method at finding a larger number of exoplanets [11]. However, transit photometry has a much larger detection rate of false positives, meaning an exoplanet was thought to be detected using this method but after further investigation was found to be a false detection. A 2012 study found that in single planetary systems, the number of false detections was up to 40%, based on the observations from the Kepler mission [12]. This means that, in the case of single planetary systems, a planetary detection using transit photometry must be verified using another method, which is often radial velocity and sometimes the less common method of orbital brightness modulation. Â Â References [1] Schneider, J. 2017. Interactive Extra-Solar Planets Catalogue. The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopedia. [Online]. [Accessed 15/01/2017]. Available from: [2] Astronomy Notes. 2007. The Velocities of Stars. [Online]. [Accessed 15/01/2017]. Available from: [3] Fischer, D. 2010. Radial Velocity. Yale University. [Online]. [Accessed 15/01/2017]. Available from: [4] Zechmeister, M. 2011. Precision radial velocity surveys for exoplanets. 1st ed. [S.l.: s.n.]. [5] The Planetary Society. 2016. Radial Velocity. [Online]. [Accessed 15/01/2017]. Available from: [6] Sasselov, D. 2008. Astronomy: Extrasolar planets. Nature. 451(7174). pp.29-31. [7] Shannon, L. and Russell, D. 2012. Exoplanet Transits: Light Curve Photometry. Bangor University. [Online]. [Accessed 15/01/2017]. Available from: [8] The Planetary Society. 2016. Transit Photometry. [Online]. [Accessed 15/01/2017]. Available from: [9] Shore, L. 2014. Searching for Exoplanets. Exploratorium Teacher Institute. [Online]. [Accessed 15/01/2017]. Available from: [10] Carroll, M. 2017. Earths of Distant Suns. 1st ed. Cham: Springer International Publishing. p.50. [11] Hidas, M. et al. 2005. The University of New South Wales Extrasolar Planet Search: methods and first results from a field centred on NGC 6633. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 360(2). pp.703-717. [12] Santerne, A., DÃ az, F., Moutou, C., Bouchy, F., HÃ ©brard, G., Almenara, M., Bonomo, S., Deleuil, M., Santos, C. 2012. SOPHIE velocimetry of Kepler transit candidates. Astronomy Astrophysics. 545. p.A76.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
History of State and Federal Prisons Essay
State and Federal Prison History The basic history for both state and federal prisons are the same, they were both created to incarcerate criminals that were sentenced for a minimum of thirteen months and a maximum of life. However, state prisons are ran by that state government and are usually for those who are considered â€Å"Blue-collar criminals†. Federal prisons are ran by the U.S government and are for those considered â€Å"White-collar criminals†. Both types of prisons have the same levels of security that can range from minimum to maximum. State Prisons State prisons are controlled by state governments and incarcerate â€Å"blue-collar criminals†. A blue-collar crime is any crime committed by someone of lower class. This comes from the term â€Å"blue-collar worker†. Blue-collar workers are primarily paid a lower wage and are mostly middle class people and lower. Blue-collar criminals primarily commit crimes that are of a personal nature (such as robbery). Federal Prison If a criminal is committed of tax fraud then they will most likely end up in a federal prison. Federal Prisons are run by the national government and primarily house those known as â€Å"white-collar criminals†. A while-collar criminal is a person who commits what is known as a white-collar crime such as Income tax evasion. The term white-collar criminal is related to the term â€Å"white-collar worker†, who are mostly those who receive higher wages and are part of the upper-middle class to the higher class range.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Intercultural Relationships And Communication In School Education Essay
Globalization has made states and civilizations interrelated and interconnected with each other. This applies possibly in every facet of human life- from regional and governmental pacts, internationalisation of concern and trade and even instruction at single degrees. The universe has gone virtually smaller and we now experience a sense of planetary small town. With the promotions in information and communicating engineering and transit industry, geographical barriers can no longer impede communicating. This leads to the dramatic addition in intercultural communicating chances. Whether through computing machine mediated communicating or face to confront communicating, we can now interchange information and novice communicating with people of other nationalities and civilization. In the field of instruction, diverseness has besides been observed to increase over the old ages. However, along with these increased chances, are jobs caused by clangs of cultural differences. These struggles are brought about by barriers to effectual intercultural communicating. Hence, to get the better of these barriers and maximise the acquisition chances from intercultural communicating, we need to get intercultural communicating accomplishments which were derived from the common interpersonal communicating with accent on the particular features of interpersonal communicating. The range of this survey shall include these intercultural communicating jobs and intercultural communicating accomplishments will be observed in the visible radiation of instruction as an establishment that fosters cultural diverseness and provides chances for intercultural communicating.Statement of the ProblemThe immediate response of pedagogues in the emerging diverseness in the schoolroom is inclusion. However, inclusion is argued to hold been a failure in turn toing diversenesss other than disablements, gender and faith. In the coming of globalisation, diverseness in the schoolroom may besides be attributed to cultural differences. It can be assumed that intercultural relationships have besides been bing within the schoolroom scene. With this, it can be argued that intercultural communicating will be a more effectual scheme to turn to cultural diverseness within the schoolroom. Hence, this survey aims to turn to this research inquiry: How can intercultural relationships and communicating be described in the schoolroom scene? The specific inquiries that this survey will prosecute are the undermentioned: What are present conditions of intercultural relationships and communications? ; What are the bing intercultural communicating jobs Rodriguez High School pupils? ; What are cultural barriers and factors taking to these jobs? ; What are the deductions or consequences of these jobs? ; How skilled are participants in intercultural communicating? ; and What effectual communicating scheme could be recommended for usage?Aims of the StudyStill within the range of globalisation, internationalisation of instruction is besides an emerging tendency. This leads to observation of cultural diverseness within schoolroom scenes. Oftentimes, cultural differences lead to jobs such as intimidation, pigeonholing and sometimes, instances of school force. Although inclusion schemes are applied in the recent old ages, it has non truly solved the jobs within the pupil degrees. Therefore, to avoid these jobs, this survey aims to research intercultural relationships and the intercultural communicating within a schoolroom puting with the usage of instance survey analysis. To accomplish this purpose, this survey proposes to purse the undermentioned aims: depict the present status of intercultural relationships and communications ; place intercultural communicating jobs among selected high school pupils of Rodriguez High School pupils ; find the cultural barriers and factors taking to these jobs ; happen out the deductions or consequences of these jobs ; step the intercultural communicating accomplishments of the participants ; urge effectual communicating scheme.Postulates of the StudyThis survey is anchored in the premise that intercultural relationships and communicating can be observed within the schoolroom puting with the usage of instance survey. The specific posits for this survey are the undermentioned: intercultural relationships and communicating exist in the schoolroom scene ; there are jobs in the efficaciousness of the communicating ; there are cultural barriers that hinder efficaciousness of intercultural communicating ; these jobs and barriers lead to more serious deductions ; intercultural communicating accomplishments are factors for more effectual communicating ; and intercultural communicating schemes can assist in turn toing cultural diverseness in a schoolroom scene.REVIEW OF RELEVANT LITERATUREThis subdivision provides a brief literature reappraisal of the constructs related to this survey including cultural diverseness, intercultural relationships, and intercultural communicating.Diversity and Cultural DifferencesCorsini ( 1984 ) described cultural differences as a merchandise of ways its people work, value of ownerships and manner of thought which are influenced by civilization ‘s instructions or cultural symbols. The civilization ‘s instructions and ownerships are so passed over coevalss to coevalss. Apart from this corporate observation, cultural differences are besides observed at the single degree which pertains to personality versus the societal systems of features ( Hall, 2006 ) . Cultural differences in instruction are observed in three types: universal, primary and secondary. Universal cultural differences occur universally as every kid needs to set to new civilization in the schoolroom that is frequently really different from that of the civilization at place. Primary cultural differences, on the other manus, go on when people of different and dominant civilization teach their civilization to people who already have their ain civilization. This leads to secondary cultural differences wherein the voluntary minorities are willing to accept the dominant civilization while the nonvoluntary minorities resist it ( Hall, 2006 ) . More frequently than non, cultural differences lead to assorted types of jobs and unfavourable conditions. While there is now a thin line dividing voluntary and nonvoluntary minorities, struggles within an establishment or organisation are frequently attributed to clangs between two different civilizations. With the coming of globalisation and the universe going virtually smaller, cultural differences become more and more seeable. Intercultural relationship presents is going more and more inevitable.Intercultural Relationships and ProblemsOne factor that peculiarly emphasized intercultural relationship is globalisation. Although there are different perceptual experiences and definitions of globalisation, the common subject among economical, political and anthropological points of position is connectedness. Peoples of different civilizations can no longer populate to be reciprocally sole to that of other civilizations ( Samover, Porter and McDaniel, 2007 ) . This connectedness brings about intercultural relationships in all facets of human life. Hence, there is a demand to extinguish jobs related to cultural differences and to set up good intercultural relationships. Some job that hinders good intercultural relationship are pigeonholing and individuality freeze. When a individual is viewed to be a member of his ain cultural group, he is forced into the predefined class and his alone features and capablenesss are frequently neglected. This threatens the single whether the stereotyping is positive or negative ( Gudykunst, 2005 ) . However, Adler and Gunderson ( 2008 ) argued that favourable intercultural relationship is best achieved by doing cultural diverseness and differences more seeable. Although acknowledgment of cultural differences may be viewed to be simplistic, crude, racialist, male chauvinist, or pigeonholing it should be kept in head that acknowledgment is different from judging. Recognition goes with regard of the differences and similarities every bit good. Judging, on the other manus, include bias that limits the perceptual experience of one ‘s full potency. Diverseness can be favourable to intercultural relationship when cultural differences are recognized without bias. One of the best ways to accomplish cultural synergism and good intercultural relationship is by adhering to rules of effectual communicating and intercultural communicating.Intercultural CommunicationIn this paper, we adopt the definition of communicating as an exchange of thoughts between two entities- the basic constituent of interpersonal communicating. Communication so, is a bipartisan procedure of spring and take. While the first theories of communicating analyzed to be one manner as holding an beginning ( beginning ) and finish ( receiving system ) , it has been now widely accepted that beginning and receiving system is replaced as participants of the interacting flow of thoughts. Intercultural communicating is a type of communicating happening between people with different civilizations. This communicating oftentimes makes participants dying and tense because they may happen it difficult to understand each other ‘s manner of believing. They may besides be utilizing different verbal and non-verbal codifications within the class of the communicating. Hence, the consequence of this type of communicating is less predictable so significances of such codifications should be negotiated carefully ( Fielding, 2006 ) . Communication is intercultural when differences in cultural positions hinder the formation of a individual and shared civilization. Absence of shared civilization may take to contradictions and struggles on significances of shared symbols ( Baraldi, 2006 ) . Some researches argue that the globalisation tendency increases the chance for intercultural communicating ( Samovar et al. , 2000 ) . On the other manus, some provinces that it is the intercultural relationships and communicating that paved the manner for globalisation and its increasing tendency ( Baraldi, 2006 ) . Either manner, what is more of import is to place agencies on how to accomplish better intercultural relationship and to place and forestall cultural barriers that hinder effectual intercultural communicating.Cultural Barriers to Effective CommunicationFielding ( 2009 ) enumerated the undermentioned cultural barriers that hinder efficaciousness of intercultural communicating: stereotyping, ethnocentrism, defensiveness or involuntariness to accept other people ‘s thoughts, linguistic communication barriers, differences in construing non-verbal codification, differences in beliefs and values, bias and premises, differences in universe position, and unequal power. Hence, these should be avoided in order to accomplish good intercultural relationship and effectual intercultural communicating. Respect in malice of differences is of outermost importance. However, Baraldi ( 2006 ) argued that intercultural communicating ‘s modernist position have evolved from respectful conversation to creative activity of a new civilization. He called this phenomenon as taint being brought about by cultural hybridisation and intercultural communicating. The new civilization is composed of the old participating civilizations and the freshly shared cultural symbolic signifier.Intercultural Communication SkillsIntercultural communicating accomplishments are indispensable towards effectual communicating. These accomplishments may be different from the usual interpersonal communicating that we use with others within the same civilization. Based on assorted researches, Williams ( 2005 ) summarized four general classs of intercultural communicating accomplishments: 1 ) flexibleness and unfastened mindedness, 2 ) cultural empathy and non-judgmental, 3 ) personal liberty composed of personal strength and stableness, and 4 ) ability to cover with stresso rs in the class of the intercultural communicating. These accomplishments can besides be grouped based on the undermentioned dimensions: cognitive ( the head ) , affectional ( the emotions ) and behavioural ( the psychomotor ) dimensions. In general, effectual intercultural communicating can be achieved by willingness to get the better of the barriers and obtain these accomplishments.Theories of Intercultural CommunicationTo better understand the construct of intercultural communicating, theories and theoretical accounts of the procedure are besides devised. While intercultural communicating may non be wholly different from the usual communicating procedures, it is imperative to include the particular features of intercultural communicating in its several theoretical accounts. The convergence theoretical account of communicating of Kincaid ( 1981 ) , communicating is defined as a procedure wherein two participants exchange information to make a degree of common apprehension. Cultural convergence theory is based on the convergence theoretical account of communicating devised by Kincaid ( 1981 ) . This was used to invent a mathematical theory of the effects brought approximately by communicating within cultural differences. In the Torahs of thermodynamics, it can be predicted that all participants ‘ communicating in a closed system may meet over clip. Cultural divergency theory predicts the convergence of two corporate cognitive provinces if the members of the two civilizations converge ( Gudykunst, 2005 ) . Another relevant intercultural communicating theory is the individuality direction theory of Cupach and Imahori ( 1993 ) . This is based on the interpersonal communicating competency theory. Interpersonal competency is one ‘s ability to negociate reciprocally the acceptable individualities of interaction ( Gudykunst, 2005 ) . This can be extended to intercultural communicating accomplishments summarized from Williams ( 2005 ) mentioned in the old subdivision. In this survey, these theories will be used. With the cultural convergence theory, it can be predicted that there will be convergence and accomplishment of common apprehension within a closed system or the schoolroom over clip. Furthermore, the intercultural communicating accomplishments can be utilised towards the accomplishment of common apprehension.STUDY FRAMEWORKThis chapter introduces the theoretical and conceptual models of the survey. Furthermore, the operational definitions of footings used in the survey are outlined. This survey shall research the cross-cultural jobs among high school pupils in Rodriguez High School.Theoretical ModelThe theoretical model of this survey is centered on two theories explicating the procedure of intercultural communicating: the cultural convergence theory and the individuality direction theory. With the cultural convergence theory, it is predicted that common apprehension can be achieved through exchange or sharing of information over clip within a closed system. Common apprehension is assumed to be favourable in any relationships including intercultural relationship for that affair. Identity direction theory, on the other manus, emphasizes intercultural capablenesss or competence of the participants to find the barriers towards effectual intercultural communicating and to be able to stamp down these barriers.Conceptual ModelBased on these theories, the research worker intends to incorporate and custom-make the theories into the scene of instruction as an establishment that fosters cultural diverseness. In the cultural divergency theory, the exchange of information can be observed within the closed system of the schoolroom through clip. We can presume that within the schoolroom puting wherein there is a high incidence of cultural diverseness, intercultural relationships and communicating exist. The individuality direction theory, on the other manus, can be translated to the intercultural communicating accomplishments of the students/participants so that they can cover with cultural diverseness in their schoolroom, and achieve common understanding- an drift for a harmonious acquisition environment.Operational Definition of FootingsIntercultural communication- a type of communicating happening between people with different civilizations. This communicating oftentimes makes participants dying and tense because they may happen it difficult to understand each other ‘s manner of thought ( Fielding, 2006 ) . Intercultural relationship- occurs when two persons with different civilization exchanged/ Shared thoughts with each other within a period of clip ( Samovar et al. , 2009 ) . Globalization- interrelation or interconnection of the states regardless of geographical barriers. Inclusion- technique used in the instruction as a response to cultural diverseness Cultural diversity- differences in civilization or the ways and agencies of life and thought. Common understanding- the convergence of the civilization based on the cultural convergence theory. This may besides be called cultural synergism. Intercultural communicating skills- accomplishments are indispensable towards effectual communicating. These accomplishments may be different from the usual interpersonal communicating that we usage with others within the same civilization. Based on assorted researches, Cultural convergence theory- predicts the convergence of two corporate cognitive provinces if the members of the two civilizations converge ( Gudykunst, 2005 ) . Identity direction theory- Interpersonal competency is one ‘s ability to negociate reciprocally the acceptable individualities of interaction ( Gudykunst, 2005 ) .RESEARCH DESIGN AND PROCEDURESThis subdivision inside informations the research program along with research methodological analysis, informations assemblage processs, and informations analysis techniques.Research DesignThis survey proposes to research with the usage of instance survey, the intercultural relationships and communicating in a schoolroom scene. This includes the intercultural communicating jobs, cultural barriers towards effectual intercultural communicating, and the intercultural communicating accomplishments of the selected pupils in Rodriguez High School in Fairfield, California. This school is noted to hold a really high pupil diverseness rate. This is an effort to turn to cultural diverseness in the schoolroom puting that may take to struggles, intimidation, cultural stereotyping and other signifiers of school force. Effective intercultural communicating, if decently inculcated among the pupils may decrease the happening of the mentioned jobs. This will be a qualitative history depicting the intercultural relationship and communicating in a high school schoolroom which Fosters high cultural diverseness. However, due to clip restraints, merely the discernible traits of the intercultural relationships may be observed profoundly. Demographical features of the participants may merely be used as back uping informations. With this, the tradition of Inquiry this research is intended to use is descriptive anthropology. One of the most normally used enquiries to measure intercultural communicating competency is ethnography ( Asante et al. , 2008 ) . In this survey, ethnography shall include description of the intercultural relationships and communicating, designation of job, barriers and their deductions, and the intercultural communicating accomplishments of the participants. Hence, the research worker should besides move as an active participant in the behavior of the research ( Scollon and Scollon, 2001 ) .Data Generation MethodThe trying method that will be used to choose the participants of this survey is purposive sampling. The research worker shall ask with the disposal of Rodriguez High School about which category has the highest incidence of cultural diverseness. However, the age degree of the pupils under this category should be identified to be mature plenty to understand the construct of cul tural diverseness and intercultural relationships and communicating, for that affair. However, the take parting category should be noted with a high incidence of cultural diverseness. Since the scene of the survey is a schoolroom scene, the participants for the survey will include all of the pupils and the home room instructor. In the instance that the category is excessively large for a focussed group treatment, random sampling will be applied and merely statistically important figure of participants will be included. Focused group treatment will be informations garnering method for the students/participants. The subject shall be cultural diverseness in a schoolroom scene. The flow of the treatment should be deductive in nature. First, the perceptual experiences of the pupils about cultural diverseness will be identified. Later on, intercultural communicating will be the chief focal point of the treatment. Again, the construct should be identified in a general point of position and can later on be applied to their ain schoolroom scene. This will come up their intercultural communicating accomplishments, and the bing intercultural communicating relationships among the students/participants. The research worker should be an perceiver and participant. The locust of control should be centered on the research worker to restrict the range of the treatment within the range of the survey merely. The home room instructor can besides move as the 3rd person/observer in the instance survey. For the in deepness interview, the home room instructor will be the participant. He/she will be the cardinal source sing the jobs, barriers, and intercultural communicating scheme within the schoolroom scene. The interview may besides be used to corroborate information gathered from the focal point group treatment with the pupils. Extra activity such as squad edifice may besides conducted with the instructor so as to detect the efficaciousness of the intercultural communicating scheme that will be recommend. The instruments that will be used for this survey include: self-administered questionnaire for the demographic features of the students/participants ; observation usher and if possible, audio or video recording equipment for more accurate certification of the focus-group treatment ; and interview agenda for the in deepness interview with the home room instructor. Extra stuffs may besides be needed to document the squad edifice activity with the instructor and the pupils. The information analysis and presentation for the demographical features of the participants will be frequency counts and per centums. This will be used to depict the heterogeneousness of the participants. On the focal point group treatment, informations analysis and presentation will be complete numbering of the intercultural relationships bing and intercultural communicating accomplishments that students/participants possess. Video clips or images may besides be shown. Last, for the in deepness interview qualitative analysis and complete numbering of the jobs and cultural barriers that he/she will place. For the squad edifice activity, narrative presentation, images, and video cartridge holders may be used to show and stress the observations. All information generated from these activities should be summarized and carefully analyzed to come up with an extended and comprehensive descriptive anthropology study.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Organizational Behavior- Motivation Theories - 1023 Words
ESSAY QUESTIONS CHAPTER 8 134. Differentiate between formal and informal groups. Formal groups are those defined by the organization’s structure, with designated work assignments establishing tasks. In formal groups, the behaviors that one should engage in are stipulated by and directed toward organizational goals. Informal groups are alliances that are neither formally structured nor organizationally determined. These groups are natural formations in the work environment that appear in response to the need for social contact. (Pages 123-124) 135. Differentiate the terms role identity, role perception, and role expectation. There are certain attitudes and actual behaviors consistent with a role, and they create the role†¦show more content†¦If cohesiveness is low and performance norms are high, productivity increases, but less than in the high-cohesiveness/high-norms situation. When cohesiveness and performance-related norms are both low, productivity will tend to fall into the low-tomoderate range. (Page 134) 141. Identify the benefits and disadvantages of cohesive groups and ways that you can encourage cohesiveness. To encourage group cohesiveness, you might try one or more of the following suggestions: (1) Make the group smaller. (2) Encourage agreement with group goals. (3) Increase the time members spend together. (4) Increase the status of the group and the perceived difficulty of attaining membership in the group. (5) Stimulate competition with other groups. (6) Give rewards to the group rather than to individu al members. (7) Physically isolate the group. (Page 134) 142. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of group decision making. Groups generate more complete information and knowledge. Groups bring more input into the decision process. They offer increased diversity of views. This opens up the opportunity for more approaches and alternatives to be considered. Groups will almost always outperform even the best individual. Groups generate higher quality decisions. Finally, groups lead to increased acceptance of a solution. Members who participated in making a decision are likely to enthusiastically support the decision and encourage others to accept it. Groups also have drawbacks. They are timeShow MoreRelatedThe Theory And Integrated Control Theory976 Words  | 4 Pagessecond motivation theory is the Integrated Control Theory. The Integrated Control Theory offers a design for analyzing and processing work motivation and organizational problem solving. It allows individuals to develo p expectations, plan and execute actions, receive environmental feedback, compare feedback to expectations and adjust behavior accordingly (Klein, 1989). Klein chose the name control theory because it is a compilation of various overlapping theories of motivation. 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Human factor is not a mere instrument in the organization but the core of organizational existence.Organisation is the interaction of persons, and sufficient importance should be given to people working to manage the organization.Organisation Behav ior helps in understanding changing dimensions of human behavior, changing from money motivatedRead MoreMotivation Concepts1537 Words  | 7 Pagescuriosity and exploration are motivational drivers. Motivation can be defined as the arousal, direction and persistence of behavior. (Franken, 1994) Motivation is an internal state or condition that activates behavior giving direction towards ones desire or want. The motivational drive is a basic or instinctive need associated in the effort of behavior directed towards a goal-oriented cause. Curiosity is central to motivation for exploratory behavior. Curiosity has been referred as a passion for
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