Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Ethics Of The Enron Scandal - 1902 Words
Ethical Scrapbook In the three excerpts that will be discussed in this report there is a theme. That theme is ethics or the lack there of. What all three of these cases have in common is that people were willing to trade in their reputations, their livelihood and in some cases their personal freedom to get what they wanted. In two of the examples, the prize they sought was money, pure and simply a case of greed. Importantly, these people already had significant wealth, and they were willing to take the chance on losing what they had already attained to get more. In the other case, the defendant’s ethics are what initiated his behavior. Enron The first story is without a doubt one of the most serious cases of its kind. The Enron†¦show more content†¦The investigation revealed a network of partnerships designed to hide Enron’s debt. Unfortunately, by November 2001 the company’s stock had gone from a high of $90. to $1. investors had lost billions of dollars (Silverstein, 2013). The company filed for bankruptcy protection in December 2001 and around 5,600 employees lost their jobs. The U.S. Justice Department began an investigation and by January of 2004 Fastow accepted a deal to plead guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and conspiracy to commit securities fraud in exchange for his cooperation with the Justice Department (Silverstein, 2013). In February 2004, Jeffrey Skilling pled not guilty to charges of wire fraud, securities fraud, conspiracy, insider trading and making false statements on financial reports (Silverstein, 2013). In addition, Kenneth Lay was charged with fraud and making misleading statements, he pled not guilty. The trial began in January 2006, in the end Mr. Lay and Mr. Skilling were found guilty of lying to investors, employees and regulators in an effort to conceal the loses of the company (Silverstein, 2013). Eventually, Mr. Skilling was sentenced to twenty-four years in prison however, in July 2013 his sentence was reduced by ten years. Although, Mr. Lay was also found guilty, he died July 5, 2006 at his home in Aspen Co. before being sentenced. This scandal epitomized the excesses of the 1990’s and the management failures of
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
How Has Television Changed Our Lives Essay - 719 Words
Adrian Alla December 8, 2012 English 4061-3 Joseph Mitchell Marques Topic: How has television changed our lives? A. Television a.) Educational b.) Entertainment c.) Informative II. Positive effects of television * Gives information for viewers. * Teach people how to live in their lives. * To see different cultures. * Educates people in a precise way. III. Negative effects of television * It teaches the children to be stupid by using pranks or comedy. * Shows brutal and violent images that can lead people to kill or destroy someone. * Teach our children to watch restricted shows which can only be viewed for adults. * Teach people how to gamble. * Teach people how to hack†¦show more content†¦It lets me know what’s going on in the other side the world and television made an impact on kids for role models and made them want to change the way they look and the way they act. It has changed the world in ways that can’t be written down. Television is a great telecommunication system, but there are also a lot of things that we don’t know behind of it. A television has its positive and negative aspect also, but first let’s starts in its positive aspect. One positive aspect would be watching educational and learning channels which allow us to learn through listening and watching. The television allows us to listen to the information as well as watching videos and see pictures which is more informative than certain books. The educational shows for children help them develop and learn at a young age. Also, they inform us of news that we wouldnt learn of until the next morning in the newspaper or unless we are browsing through the internet throughout the day. A negative aspect about watching television would be the number of inappropriate material that are included in television shows, movies, and advertisements. Another negative would be the wearing of the eyes. Many people have problems with their eyes due to much digital exposure. From my point of view, have a time limit for television watching amp; try to be aware of what your child is watching, and when the program comesShow MoreRelatedMedia s Influence On Society1256 Words  | 6 Pagescompletely changed the world we live in and are now a part of our everyday lives (Bookman, 64). With television, radio, newspapers, books, etc†¦ working their way into our everyday lives it is almost impossible to live without the media. Along with it being persuasive, informative and a great source for entertainment, it also has a large binding influence on societies all over the world. Media aspects are radically reshaping the world (Marina 240) and though some may argue that media has more negativeRead MoreMedia s Influence On Society1269 Words  | 6 Pagesthings, it has completely changed the world and is now a part of our everyday lives (Bookman, 64). 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Stanley Crouch, a poet, music and cultural critic, writes that whenever people pretentiously and proudly announce, â€Å"I don’t watch tel evision,†they should follow it up with â€Å"I don’t look at America either†(Masciotra 79)Read MoreThe History of Television Essay1473 Words  | 6 PagesHistory of television and its influence on people lives. How did television revolutionize the world? TV, more commonly known as ‘television’ is one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century. In ancient Greek tà ¨le means ‘far, and in Latin visio means sight. From my perspective and many people of the world television has changed the way we live. Television has brought many amazing things, however nothing is perfect. Television sets were commercially available since the late 1920s but in very
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The English Only Movement in US Free Essays
Language has always been an important part of a country†s culture and way of life. When the U. S. We will write a custom essay sample on The English Only Movement in US or any similar topic only for you Order Now was founded, it was common to hear as many as 20 languages spoken along with many documents that were printed in different languages. There have been many debates over establishing a national language, and a movement arose that strives to establish English as the nation†s official language. This movement is known as the â€Å"English Only†movement, and it â€Å"promotes the enactment of legislation that restricts or prohibits the use of languages other than English by government agencies and, in some cases, by private businesses†(ALCU). Many people whom support the â€Å"English Only†movement believes that multilingualism is too costly and inefficient for the government to operate in. Making English as an official language will have little day-to-day effect on the population and their lifestyles or private lives. They believe that declaring English as the official language is the fairest way to handle over 300 languages spoken in the U. S. (LIA). Many people support multilingualism and oppose having English as an official language because it is unfair to individuals who are not fluent in English. Also, they create false stereotypes of immigrants and non-English speakers. They conclude that it violates the diversity embodied in our Constitution, creating restrictions and limits instead of protecting individual rights, and it does not help the integration of language minority citizens into the American mainstream. I personally support keeping the U. S. as a multilingual nation. I feel that the nation is running smoothly enough and it does not need to be changed in that way. There are many nations that hold multiple official languages that run very smoothly. I do not see why it is necessary for our nation to require English to be an official language with more than 30 percent of the nation coming from a different ethnic group or culture. Therefore, I believe that this nation should not enforce English as the official language. For more than 200 years, Americans have gotten by without declaring English our official language. Congress had never even considered declaring English the nation’s official language until 1981. The only previous official-language legislation dates back to 1923: a bill designating â€Å"American†the national tongue. Americans have traditionally resisted language legislation, beginning in 1780, when John Adams proposed to establish an official Language Academy to set standards for English. This idea was rejected by the Continental Congress as an improper role for government and a threat to individual liberties. There was no English proficiency requirement to become naturalized as a U. S. citizen until 1906 – the first major language restriction to be enacted at the federal level. Before World War I, bilingual education was common in areas where nonanglophone groups enjoyed political clout. During the 19th century, state laws, constitutions, and legislative proceedings appeared in languages as diverse as Welsh, Czech, Norwegian, Spanish, French, and of course, German. At other times, Americans have imposed restrictive language policies. California rewrote its state constitution in 1879 to eliminate Spanish language rights. In 1897, Pennsylvania made English proficiency a condition of employment in its coal fields, a none-too-subtle way to exclude Italians and Slavs. Security fears during the World War I era led to unprecedented bans on public use of the German language – in schools, on the street, during religious services, and even on the telephone. (Crawford) Proposition 227 was passed by a substantial majority of California voters. Its passage is the direct result of the state’s poor student performance in English. Until its passage, California embraced bilingual education. Proposition 227 virtually ends bilingual education in California and reintroduces phonics based programs. The California Content Standards and California Education Code clearly define the course requirements under Proposition 227 and the goals for grade level performance. Many groups and organizations feel that making English the official language is essential and beneficial for the U. S. government and its citizens. These groups believe that official English promotes unity. â€Å"This long tradition of assimilation has always included the adoption of English as the common means of communication†(USE). Many studies show that immigrants learn English slower when they are supported by their native language. Since multilingual government services actually encourage the growth of linguistic enclaves, this causes the U. S. to divide into separate language groups because of racial and ethnic conflicts (USE). Also, immigrants will benefit from learning English by being able to participate in the government and the workforce. If immigrants were not proficient in English, they would be subjected to the low-skilled and low-paying jobs. â€Å"Knowledge of English leads to the realization of the American dream of increased economic opportunity and the ability to become a more productive member of society, which benefits everyone†(USE). Many organizations also feel that official English can save money from the unnecessary duplication of government services in multiple languages. â€Å"It is not the responsibility of the government to provide services in the 329 different languages spoken in the United States. It is the responsibility of each individual to either learn English or to find a friend or family member to translate†(USE). Of course there are exceptions including emergencies, foreign language instruction, safety and health services, and tourism promotions. Also, official English does not affect private businesses, religious services, or private conversations (USE). On the opposing hand, organizations oppose official English because they feel it is a violation of individual†s rights. They believe that â€Å"such laws are contrary to the spirit of tolerance and diversity embodied in our Constitution. An English Language Amendment to the Constitution would transform that document from being a charter of liberties and individual freedom into a charter of restrictions that limits, rather than protects, individual rights†(ACLU). There are some versions of the proposed English Language Amendment that disregards the government from providing services in languages other than English. These groups that oppose the â€Å"English Only†laws believe that it violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. It interferes with the right to vote for individuals who can not read English and with the right of workers to be free of discrimination in certain workplaces. â€Å"Today, as in the past, ‘English Only†laws in the U. S. are founded on false stereotypes of immigrant groups. Such laws do not simply disparage the immigrants’ native languages but assault the rights of the people who speak the languages (ACLU). With the debate over â€Å"English Only†laws, a topic of bilingual education arose. Many people who support official English oppose bilingual education. They feel that â€Å"bilingual education programs rely on the unproven theory that a child must spend years becoming literate in his native language before he or she can properly learn a second language. Under their own theory, bilingual educators should not have placed an English-speaking child in a Cantonese-speaking class†(USE). Wasted funds have gone into the support of bilingual education with the schools being inefficient at teaching English. Studies have shown that these bilingual education schools have little or no effect. â€Å"At the very least, federal and state bilingual education laws must be reformed to ensure that parents can easily remove their children from bilingual education programs. Because in America, a child shouldn†t be forced to file a lawsuit to get his education in English†(USE). Since the 1960s, research has shown that multiple language skills do not confuse the mind. Quite the contrary: when well-developed, they seem to provide cognitive advantages, although such effects are complex and difficult to measure (Crawford). Another discredited notion is that children will learn a second language rapidly if they are totally immersed in it. â€Å"For generations, this philosophy served to justify policies of educational neglect – assigning minority students to regular classrooms, with no special help in overcoming language barriers. Disproportionate numbers failed and dropped out of school as a result†(Crawford). The sink-or-swim approach was ruled illegal by the U. S. Supreme Court in Lau v. Nichols. Research has shown that the quality of English exposure is the major factor in English acquisition and not the quantity. Many believe that English as a second language is best taught in natural situations, â€Å"with the second language used in meaningful contexts rather than in repetitious drills of grammar and vocabulary†(Crawford). This approach is common in bilingual education programs, coordinated with lessons in students’ native language. Also, native-language instruction also helps to make English comprehensible, by providing contextual knowledge that aids in understanding. Since language has always been an important part of a country†s culture and way of life, I feel that the U. S. should keep this nation a multilingual nation. If this nation can go 200 years without making English the official language, I believe that things should continue this way. I do not feel that the possibility of saving money should substitute the ease of life for immigrants and schools. I also believe that â€Å"an English Language Amendment to the Constitution would transform that document from being a charter of liberties and individual freedom into a charter of restrictions that limits, rather than protects, individual rights†(ALCU). Also, I feel that bilingual education should continue. I feel that it is the parent†s decision where their children go to school. I do not think that the government should interfere with that. Again, I do not believe that money should even be an issue in the rights of these individuals. I agree that English as a second language should be taught in a natural, relaxed environment, â€Å"with the second language used in meaningful contexts rather than in repetitious drills of grammar and vocabulary†(Crawford). It would be hypocritical since Americans learn a foreign language using English. For these reasons I believe that English should not be the nation†s official language, and that bilingual education should continue. How to cite The English Only Movement in US, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
The Butcher Boy free essay sample
Over the years, numerous directors have portrayed childhood in film, and some of them have done so in an extremely affecting and poignant way. Films like Francois Truffuaut’s 400 blows or Ingmar Bergman’s Fanny and Alexander have left their mark on film history, partly because the directors dared to present childhood as a period of great insecurity and unhappiness, and not as the most idyllic period of one’s life. â€Å"The Butcher boy†, a film directed by the irish director Neil Jordan in 1997, is a rather overlooked film, that rarely appears in film critics’ lists of great films. Yet, this film is a masterful portrayal of a disturbed childhood, dominated by great unhappiness and loss. â€Å"The Butcher Boy†is based on irish author Patrick Mc Cabe’s highly-praised and controversial novel of the same name. It tells the story of young Francie Brady, a teenage Irish boy, living in a small town in western Ireland in the 60’s. We will write a custom essay sample on The Butcher Boy or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Francie is a free-spirited and wildly imaginative boy with a passion for comic books. Unfortunately, his carefree adolescence is stigmatized by the tragic circumstances of his family life. His father is struggling with alcoholism and his mother is mentally disturbed, and eventually commits suicide. The boy has never been shown any real tenderness because both of his parents were overwhelmed by their own misery. His mother’s suicide is enough to drive the already fragile Francis to his limits. From that point on, the boy slowly descends into madness, as he is filled with feelings of rage and aggressiveness. This aggressiveness is soon directed toward Ms Nugent, a neighbour of the Bradies, who has always been extremely critical of Francie because of his lack of â€Å"proper†manners and his undignified family situation, often referring to the boy and his family as â€Å"pigs†. To Francie she is the embodiment of evil. When his misery reaches unbearable heights, Francie, who at some point is employed in a butcher shop, breaks into Mrs. Nugent’s house and slaughters her. He ends up in a mental institution and is released years later, when he has reached middle age. The feeling of uneasinees which pervades the film is caused not only by its disturbing subject matter, but also by Jordan’s directing technique. The director has always had a knack for blurring the line between reality and imagination. In â€Å"The butcher boy†everything is seen through Francie’s distorted point of view. For example, Mrs Nugent, who is in fact just an overly conservative, gossipy middle-aged woman is presented as an ogre in the film. The director has filmed the actress Fiona Shaw in a very unflattering way, emphasizing her grotesque grimaces and her annoying voice. This way the viewer views her as the appalling woman that Francie sees. Another example of this is the portrayal of Francie’s hallucinations. There are a number of scenes in the film, when Francie, in his imagination, is visited by the Virgin Mary, who comes to advise him or encourage him. These visits are the only source of consolation in his sad life, and appropriately, these specific scenes of the film are filled with light. Despite the main character’s portrayal as a psychotic teenager, Francie earns the viewer’s sympathy, and this is largely due to the performance of the protagonist Eammon Owens. The young actor manages to convey the desperation that underlies Francie’s aggression and his violent outbursts. He portrays Francie as a boy who is unable to cope with life in a rational way, because he has been driven mad by his misfortunes. Another element, which makes the main character likable is his dark sense of humour. Since the story is told in first-person narrative by the older Francie himself, the audience is treated to Francie’s sarcastic observations about the events that unfold. Somehow, this bitter humour makes the film even more poignant. It is obvious, that the director was not interested in making a horror film about a dangerous sociopath, but a potent statement about the effects that lack of love and guidance can have on a young soul. The butcher boy can by no me ans described as a â€Å"pleasant film†, despite its light-hearted moments. It is often violent, disturbing and depressing. But anyone who can look past the element of violence and cruelty, will be rewarded with a deeply affecting story about a boy who, as a character in the film points out â€Å"never really had a chance.â€
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